4.2 Elasticity And Revenue - Principles Of Microeconomics

Price Elasticity of Demand is also the slope of the demand curve. For example, if the price for drinking water rises, then there is not likely to be a huge drop in the quantity demanded of We can represent all the different values of price elasticity of demand on a demand curve as seen above.There are some distinctions between these two types of demands, and although it may happen that they become equal at one point, that is a rare occurrence. Most often they are not equal but rather quite different in reality.Where as the elasticity is equal to: [(slope) * (average quantity/average price)]. So naturally the value of the slope will be different from the value of The numerator of the second expression is the inverse of the slope of the demand curve at the point of interest. In other words, first calculate the...A good's price elasticity of demand is a measure of how sensitive the quantity demanded of it is to its price. When the price rises, quantity demanded falls for almost any good...It uses the same formula as the general price elasticity of demand measure, but we can take information from the demand equation to solve for the "change in" Imagine that given this demand curve we are asked to figure out what the point price elasticity of demand is at two different prices...

True or false: the value of the price elasticity of demand is not...

Price elasticity of demand is one of the most important concepts in microeconomics and an essential metric for developing a company's pricing strategy. To solve for the price elasticity of demand (PED), use the following equation to find the elasticity coefficientA linear downward-sloping demand curve has a range of demand elasticities and an inverted U-shaped total revenue curve under single pricing. When that happens, demand is said to be elastic. And the elasticity of demand has an absolute value greater than 1. For example, a 10% price...The definition of elasticity of demand is given like this: ε(d) = (proportional change in quantity demanded) Now (Δq/Δp) is the reciprocal of the gradient when p is the vertical axis, and this will be a constant (say D) Elasticity of demand decreases in absolute value as quantity demanded rises.Price elasticity of demand: measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price, along a given demand curve. Value of PED falls as the measuring points move down a demand curve. PED is not represented by the slope of the demand curve.

True or false: the value of the price elasticity of demand is not...

The slope of a linear demand curve is constant, but its elasticity is...

The price elasticity of demand is measured by its coefficient (Ep). If the two points which form the arc on the demand curve are so close that they almost merge into each other, the numerical value of arc elasticity equals the numerical value of point elasticity.Price elasticity of demand measures the sensitivity of quantity demanded to change in price. It is calculated by dividing the percentage change in Price elasticity of demand can also be worked out using graphs. Price elasticity at any point on a straight demand curve equals the length of the...Cross price elasticity of demand is equal to the ratio of these changes and will be negative. True, because a perfectly elastic demand curve is horizontal. Therefore, no matter what the shift is the equilibrium price will always remain the same.Price elasticity of demand (PED) shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded and provides a precise calculation of the effect of a The degree of response of quantity demanded to a change in price can vary considerably. The key benchmark for measuring elasticity is whether the...The price elasticity of demand (PED) captures how price-sensitive consumers are for a given product or service by measuring the responsiveness of Perfectly Inelastic Demand: Perfectly inelastic demand is graphed as a vertical line. The PED value is the same at every point of the demand curve.

Jump to navigation Jump to seek "Elasticity of demand" redirects right here. For source of revenue elasticity, see income elasticity of demand. For move elasticity, see cross elasticity of demand. For wealth elasticity, see wealth elasticity of demand. "Price elasticity" redirects right here. It is not to be puzzled with Price elasticity of provide.

A good's price elasticity of demand is a measure of how delicate the quantity demanded of it is to its price. When the price rises, quantity demanded falls for just about any good, but it falls extra for some than for others. The price elasticity offers the proportion trade in amount demanded when there is a one % increase in price, retaining the whole lot else constant. If the elasticity is -2, that means a one % price upward thrust leads to a two p.c decline in quantity demanded. Other elasticities measure how the amount demanded changes with different variables (e.g. the source of revenue elasticity of demand for shopper income adjustments).[1]

Price elasticities are adverse aside from in particular circumstances. If a good is said to have an elasticity of 2, it virtually at all times signifies that the just right has an elasticity of -2 according to the formal definition. The word "more elastic" means that a just right's elasticity has higher magnitude, ignoring the signal. Only goods which do not conform to the legislation of demand, reminiscent of Veblen and Giffen items, have a good elasticity. Demand for a excellent is said to be inelastic when the elasticity is less than one in absolute value: that is, changes in price have a rather small impact on the quantity demanded. Demand for a good is said to be elastic when the elasticity is greater than one. A excellent with an elasticity of -2 has elastic demand because amount falls twice as much as the price increase; an elasticity of -0.5 indicates inelastic demand as a result of the quantity response is part the price build up.[2]

Revenue is maximised when price is set in order that the elasticity is precisely one. The good's elasticity can also be used to predict the prevalence (or "burden") of a tax on that just right. Various analysis strategies are used to decide price elasticity, together with test markets, analysis of historic gross sales data and conjoint evaluation. Price elasticity of demand additional divided into: Perfectly Elastic Demand (∞), Perfectly Inelastic Demand ( 0 ), Relatively Elastic Demand (> 1), Relatively Inelastic Demand (< 1), Unitary Elasticity Demand (= 1).


The variation in demand in reaction to a variation in price is called price elasticity of demand. It will also be defined as the ratio of the percentage change in quantity demanded to the share change in price of explicit commodity.[3] The formulation for the coefficient of price elasticity of demand for a just right is:[4][5][6]

e⟨p⟩=dQ/QdP/P\displaystyle e_\langle p\rangle =\frac \mathrm d Q/Q\mathrm d P/P

the place P is the price of the demanded excellent and Q is the amount of the demanded just right. In other phrases, we can say that the price elasticity of demand is the trade in demand for a commodity due to a given change in the price of that commodity.

The above system in most cases yields a adverse value, due to the inverse nature of the relationship between price and quantity demanded, as described through the "law of demand".[5] For instance, if the price will increase by way of 5% and quantity demanded decreases by way of 5%, then the elasticity at the initial price and quantity = −5%/5% = −1. The most effective categories of goods that have elasticity more than 0 are Veblen and Giffen goods.[7] Although the elasticity is negative for the overwhelming majority of items and services and products, economists often refer to price elasticity of demand as a good value (i.e., in absolute value terms).[6]

This measure of elasticity is every now and then referred to as the own-price elasticity of demand for a just right, i.e., the elasticity of demand with admire to the excellent's own price, so as to distinguish it from the elasticity of demand for that excellent with recognize to the exchange in the price of some other good, i.e., a complementary or change good.[3] The latter type of elasticity measure is referred to as a cross-price elasticity of demand.[8][9]

As the difference between the two costs or amounts will increase, the accuracy of the PED given via the method above decreases for a combination of two reasons. First, a good's elasticity is not necessarily fixed; as explained beneath, it varies at other points along the demand curve, due to its proportion nature.[10][11] Elasticity is not the same factor as the slope of the demand curve, which is dependent on the units used for each price and amount.[12][13] Second, percentage adjustments are not symmetric; instead, the proportion alternate between any two values will depend on which one is selected as the starting value and which as the ending value. For example, if amount demanded will increase from 10 units to 15 gadgets, the proportion change is 50%, i.e., (15 − 10) ÷ 10 (transformed to a proportion). But if quantity demanded decreases from 15 units to 10 units, the proportion change is −33.3%, i.e., (10 − 15) ÷ 15.[14][15]

Two choice elasticity measures avoid or minimise those shortcomings of the basic elasticity formula: point-price elasticity and arc elasticity.

Contrary to commonplace misconception, price elasticity is not constant alongside a linear demand curve, but moderately varies along the curve.[16] There does exist a nonlinear shape of demand curve alongside which demand is constant.

Point-price elasticity of demand

The point elasticity of demand means is used to decide trade in demand inside the similar demand curve, mainly an excessively small quantity of exchange in demand is measured via point elasticity. One means to avoid the accuracy drawback described above is to minimize the distinction between the beginning and finishing prices and quantities. This is the method taken in the definition of point-price elasticity, which uses differential calculus to calculate the elasticity for an infinitesimal change in price and amount at any given point on the demand curve:[17]

Ed=dQddP×PQd\displaystyle E_d=\frac \mathrm d Q_d\mathrm d P\occasions \frac PQ_d

In different phrases, it is equal to the absolute value of the first spinoff of quantity with recognize to price dQddP\displaystyle \frac \mathrm d Q_d\mathrm d P multiplied by means of the point's price (P) divided by its amount (Qd).[18] However, the point-price elasticity may also be computed provided that the formula for the demand function, Qd=f(P)\displaystyle Q_d=f(P), is identified so its spinoff with recognize to price, dQd/dP\displaystyle dQ_d/dP, will also be made up our minds.

In terms of partial-differential calculus, point-price elasticity of demand can also be outlined as follows:[19] let x(p,w)\displaystyle \displaystyle x(p,w) be the demand of goods x1,x2,…,xL\displaystyle x_1,x_2,\dots ,x_L as a serve as of parameters price and wealth, and let xℓ(p,w)\displaystyle \displaystyle x_\ell (p,w) be the demand for excellent ℓ\displaystyle \displaystyle \ell . The elasticity of demand for just right xℓ(p,w)\displaystyle \displaystyle x_\ell (p,w) with appreciate to price pk\displaystyle p_k is

Exℓ,pk=∂xℓ(p,w)∂pk⋅pkxℓ(p,w)=∂log⁡xℓ(p,w)∂log⁡pk\displaystyle E_x_\ell ,p_k=\frac \partial x_\ell (p,w)\partial p_ok\cdot \frac p_okx_\ell (p,w)=\frac \partial \log x_\ell (p,w)\partial \log p_k

Arc elasticity

Main article: arc elasticity

Arc elasticity was offered very early on through Hugh Dalton. It is very similar to an extraordinary elasticity problem, but it provides in the index quantity problem. Arc Elasticity is a second solution to the asymmetry downside of having an elasticity depending on which of the two given points on a demand curve is chosen as the "original" level will and which as the "new" one is to compute the percentage alternate in P and Q relative to the moderate of the two costs and the reasonable of the two amounts, fairly than simply the exchange relative to one point or the different. Loosely speaking, this provides an "average" elasticity for the segment of the actual demand curve—i.e., the arc of the curve—between the two points. As a outcome, this measure is known as the arc elasticity, on this case with admire to the price of the good. The arc elasticity is defined mathematically as:[15][20][21]

Ed=P1+P22Qd1+Qd22×ΔQdΔP=P1+P2Qd1+Qd2×ΔQdΔP\displaystyle E_d=\frac \frac P_1+P_22\frac Q_d_1+Q_d_22\occasions \frac \Delta Q_d\Delta P=\frac P_1+P_2Q_d_1+Q_d_2\instances \frac \Delta Q_d\Delta P

This method for computing the price elasticity is sometimes called the "midpoints formula", because the average price and reasonable amount are the coordinates of the midpoint of the directly line between the two given issues.[14][21] This components is an software of the midpoint way. However, as a result of this system implicitly assumes the segment of the demand curve between the ones points is linear, the better the curvature of the precise demand curve is over that range, the worse this approximation of its elasticity shall be.[20][22]


The illustration that accompanied Marshall's authentic definition of elasticity, the ratio of PT to Pt

Together with the concept of an economic "elasticity" coefficient, Alfred Marshall is credited with defining "elasticity of demand" in Principles of Economics, revealed in 1890.[23] Alfred Marshall invented price elasticity of demand most effective 4 years after he had invented the idea of elasticity. He used Cournot's basic creating of the demand curve to get the equation for price elasticity of demand. He described price elasticity of demand as thus: "And we may say generally:— the elasticity (or responsiveness) of demand in a market is great or small according as the amount demanded increases much or little for a given fall in price, and diminishes much or little for a given rise in price".[24] He reasons this since "the only universal law as to a person's desire for a commodity is that it diminishes ... but this diminution may be slow or rapid. If it is slow... a small fall in price will cause a comparatively large increase in his purchases. But if it is rapid, a small fall in price will cause only a very small increase in his purchases. In the former case... the elasticity of his wants, we may say, is great. In the latter case... the elasticity of his demand is small."[25] Mathematically, the Marshallian PED used to be in accordance with a point-price definition, using differential calculus to calculate elasticities.[26]


The overriding factor in determining the elasticity is the willingness and skill of shoppers after a price exchange to postpone immediate intake choices concerning the excellent and to seek for substitutes ("wait and look").[27] A number of elements can thus impact the elasticity of demand for a just right:[28]

Availability of exchange items The extra and nearer the substitutes available, the upper the elasticity is most probably to be, as other people can easily switch from one excellent to another if an excellent minor price change is made;[28][29][30] There is a strong substitution effect.[31] If no close substitutes are to be had, the substitution impact can be small and the demand inelastic.[31] Breadth of definition of a excellent The broader the definition of a excellent (or provider), the lower the elasticity. For instance, Company X's fish and chips would generally tend to have a fairly top elasticity of demand if an important number of substitutes are to be had, while meals basically would have an especially low elasticity of demand as a result of no substitutes exist.[32] Percentage of income The higher the share of the consumer's income that the product's price represents, the upper the elasticity tends to be, as folks pays extra consideration when purchasing the just right as a result of of its price;[28][29] The source of revenue effect is really extensive.[33] When the items represent just a negligible portion of the finances the income impact will likely be insignificant and demand inelastic,[33] Necessity The more necessary a good is, the lower the elasticity, as folks will try to buy it regardless of the price, equivalent to the case of insulin for individuals who want it.[12][29] Duration For maximum items, the longer a price alternate holds, the higher the elasticity is most likely to be, as increasingly shoppers in finding they have the time and inclination to search for substitutes.[28][30] When gasoline costs increase , as an example, consumers might still replenish their empty tanks in the short run, but when costs remain high over a number of years, extra customers will reduce their demand for gasoline by means of switching to carpooling or public transportation, investing in cars with larger gasoline financial system or taking different measures.[29] This does not hang for shopper durables similar to the vehicles themselves, however; ultimately, it should become important for customers to replace their gift automobiles, so one would expect demand to be much less elastic.[29] Brand loyalty An attachment to a undeniable brand—either out of tradition or because of proprietary boundaries—can override sensitivity to price adjustments, resulting in more inelastic demand.[32][34] Who can pay Where the buyer does not without delay pay for the just right they devour, corresponding to with company expense accounts, demand is most probably to be more inelastic.[34]

Whether it is addictive or not

Goods which might be extra addictive in nature generally tend to have an inelastic PED (absolute value of PED < 1). Examples of such include cigarettes, heroin and alcohol. This is because shoppers view such items as must haves and hence are pressured to purchase them, despite even important price changes.

Relation to marginal revenue

The following equation holds:

R′=P(1+1Ed)\displaystyle R'=P\,\left(1+\dfrac 1E_d\correct)


R′ is the marginal revenue P is the price


TR = R = general profit R′=∂TR∂Q=∂∂Q(PQ)=P+Q∂P∂Q\displaystyle R'=\frac \partial TR\partial Q=\frac \partial \partial Q(P\,Q)=P+Q\,\frac \partial P\partial QEd=∂Q∂P⋅PQ⇒Ed⋅QP=∂Q∂P⇒PEd⋅Q=∂P∂Q\displaystyle E_d=\dfrac \partial Q\partial P\cdot \dfrac PQ\Rightarrow E_d\cdot \frac QP=\frac \partial Q\partial P\Rightarrow \frac PE_d\cdot Q=\frac \partial P\partial QR′=P+Q⋅PEd⋅Q=P(1+1Ed)\displaystyle R'=P+Q\cdot \frac PE_d\cdot Q=P\,\left(1+\frac 1E_d\right)

On a graph with each a demand curve and a marginal revenue curve, demand might be elastic in any respect quantities where marginal profit is certain. Demand is unit elastic at the quantity where marginal profit is 0. Demand is inelastic at each amount where marginal revenue is unfavorable.[35]

Effect on complete profit

See additionally: Total profit take a look at A suite of graphs shows the dating between demand and revenue (PQ) for the specific case of a linear demand curve. As price decreases in the elastic range, the revenue will increase, however in the inelastic vary, profit falls. Revenue is very best at the amount the place the elasticity equals 1.

A company taking into account a price change must know what effect the alternate in price can have on general revenue. Revenue is merely the product of unit price times amount:

Revenue=PQd\displaystyle \textual contentRevenue=PQ_d

Generally, any alternate in price can have two results:[36]

The price impact For inelastic items, an building up in unit price will have a tendency to building up revenue, while a lower in price will tend to decrease profit. (The impact is reversed for elastic goods.) The amount effect An building up in unit price will generally tend to lead to fewer gadgets bought, while a decrease in unit price will tend to lead to extra units sold.

For inelastic items, because of the inverse nature of the dating between price and amount demanded (i.e., the law of demand), the two results have an effect on general profit in opposite instructions. But in figuring out whether to increase or lower costs, a firm wishes to know what the net effect shall be. Elasticity supplies the answer: The proportion alternate in total revenue is approximately equal to the percentage alternate in quantity demanded plus the percentage exchange in price. (One trade might be sure, the different negative.)[37] The share change in amount is similar to the share trade in price through elasticity: therefore the share trade in profit will also be calculated by way of figuring out the elasticity and the share trade in price alone.

As a end result, the dating between elasticity and profit may also be described for any good:[38][39]

When the price elasticity of demand for a just right is perfectly inelastic (Ed = 0), changes in the price do not impact the quantity demanded for the good; raising costs will at all times motive total profit to increase. Goods important to survival may also be categorized here; a rational individual shall be prepared to pay anything for a excellent if the choice is dying. For instance, an individual in the wasteland susceptible and loss of life of thirst would easily give all the cash in his pockets, regardless of how much, for a bottle of water if he would in a different way die. His demand is not contingent on the price. When the price elasticity of demand is rather inelastic (−1 < Ed < 0), the proportion change in amount demanded is smaller than that in price. Hence, when the price is raised, the general revenue increases, and vice versa. When the price elasticity of demand is unit (or unitary) elastic (Ed = −1), the proportion trade in quantity demanded is equal to that in price, so a transformation in price will not have an effect on overall revenue. When the price elasticity of demand is quite elastic (−∞ < Ed < −1), the percentage change in amount demanded is more than that during price. Hence, when the price is raised, the general revenue falls, and vice versa. When the price elasticity of demand is perfectly elastic (Ed is − ∞), any building up in the price, regardless of how small, will motive the quantity demanded for the excellent to drop to 0. Hence, when the price is raised, the total revenue falls to zero. This state of affairs is typical for items that experience their value outlined by legislation (akin to fiat foreign money); if a five-dollar invoice had been bought for anything greater than 5 dollars, no one would purchase it, so demand is 0.

Hence, as the accompanying diagram shows, general profit is maximized at the mixture of price and amount demanded the place the elasticity of demand is unitary.[39]

It is vital to realize that price-elasticity of demand is not necessarily constant over all price levels. The linear demand curve in the accompanying diagram illustrates that changes in price also change the elasticity: the price elasticity is other at each level on the curve.

Effect on tax occurrence

When demand is extra inelastic than supply, customers will endure a greater share of the tax burden than producers will. Main article: tax occurrence

Demand elasticity, in combination with the price elasticity of provide can be utilized to assess where the incidence (or "burden") of a per-unit tax is falling or to are expecting the place it's going to fall if the tax is imposed. For example, when demand is completely inelastic, by definition consumers have no selection to buying the just right or provider if the price increases, so the amount demanded would stay fixed. Hence, suppliers can build up the price via the complete amount of the tax, and the client would finally end up paying the entirety. In the reverse case, when demand is perfectly elastic, via definition customers have an infinite ability to switch to choices if the price will increase, so they would forestall buying the just right or service in query utterly—amount demanded would fall to zero. As a end result, companies can not go on any phase of the tax via raising prices, so they'd be compelled to pay all of it themselves.[40]

In apply, demand is most probably to be only relatively elastic or quite inelastic, that is, somewhere between the extreme cases of highest elasticity or inelasticity. More generally, then, the higher the elasticity of demand compared to PES, the heavier the burden on manufacturers; conversely, the extra inelastic the demand in comparison to supply, the heavier the burden on shoppers. The basic principle is that the birthday celebration (i.e., consumers or manufacturers) that has fewer alternatives to avoid the tax by way of switching to alternatives will bear the greater percentage of the tax burden.[40] In the end the complete tax burden is carried by particular person households since they're the ultimate house owners of the manner of manufacturing that the firm utilises (see Circular float of income).

PED and PES can also affect the deadweight loss associated with a tax regime. When PED, PES or both are inelastic, the deadweight loss is not up to a similar state of affairs with higher elasticity.

Optimal pricing

Among the most commonplace programs of price elasticity is to decide prices that maximize profit or profit.

Constant elasticity and optimum pricing

If one point elasticity is used to fashion demand changes over a finite vary of prices, elasticity is implicitly assumed constant with recognize to price over the finite price vary. The equation defining price elasticity for one product may also be rewritten (omitting secondary variables) as a linear equation.

LQ=Ok+E×LP\displaystyle LQ=K+E\times LP


LQ=ln⁡(Q),LP=ln⁡(P),E\displaystyle LQ=\ln(Q),LP=\ln(P),E is the elasticity, and K\displaystyle Ok is a relentless.

Similarly, the equations for cross elasticity for n\displaystyle n merchandise will also be written as a collection of n\displaystyle n simultaneous linear equations.

LQl=Kl+El,okay×LPk\displaystyle LQ_l=K_l+E_l,okay\occasions LP^k


l\displaystyle l and okay=1,…,n,LQl=ln⁡(Ql),LPl=ln⁡(Pl)\displaystyle okay=1,\dotsc ,n,LQ_l=\ln(Q_l),LP^l=\ln(P^l), and Kl\displaystyle K_l are constants; and look of a letter index as each an higher index and a lower index in the identical term implies summation over that index.

This shape of the equations shows that time elasticities assumed fixed over a price range cannot decide what costs generate most values of ln⁡(Q)\displaystyle \ln(Q); in a similar fashion they can't expect costs that generate maximum Q\displaystyle Q or maximum revenue.

Constant elasticities can expect optimum pricing only by means of computing level elasticities at a number of issues, to resolve the price at which point elasticity equals -1 (or, for a couple of merchandise, the set of costs at which the point elasticity matrix is the negative identity matrix).

Non-constant elasticity and optimal pricing

If the definition of price elasticity is extended to yield a quadratic courting between demand gadgets (Q\displaystyle Q) and price, then it is possible to compute costs that maximize ln⁡(Q)\displaystyle \ln(Q), Q\displaystyle Q, and revenue. The fundamental equation for one product becomes

LQ=K+E1×LP+E2×LP2\displaystyle LQ=K+E_1\times LP+E_2\instances LP^2

and the corresponding equation for a number of products turns into

LQl=Kl+E1l,okay×LPk+E2l,ok×(LPk)2\displaystyle LQ_l=K_l+E1_l,ok\times LP^okay+E2_l,okay\instances (LP^k)^2

Excel models are available that compute fixed elasticity, and use non-constant elasticity to estimate costs that optimize profit or profit for one product[41] or a number of merchandise.[42]

Limitations of revenue-maximizing and profit-maximizing pricing methods

In maximum scenarios, revenue-maximizing costs are not profit-maximizing prices. For instance, if variable costs in keeping with unit are nonzero (which they nearly always are), then a extra complex computation of a equivalent sort yields costs that generate optimum earnings.

In some eventualities, profit-maximizing costs are not an optimum strategy. For instance, where scale economies are huge (as they often are), capturing marketplace percentage could also be the key to long-term dominance of a marketplace, so maximizing profit or cash in might not be the optimal strategy.

Selected price elasticities

Various analysis strategies are used to calculate the price elasticities in actual existence, including analysis of historic sales information, each private and non-private, and use of present-day surveys of customers' personal tastes to build up take a look at markets capable of modelling such adjustments.[43] Alternatively, conjoint analysis (a score of users' personal tastes which can then be statistically analysed) may be used.[44] Approximate estimates of price elasticity will also be calculated from the income elasticity of demand, under conditions of desire independence. This means has been empirically validated using bundles of goods (e.g. meals, healthcare, schooling, game, etc.).[45]

Though elasticities for most demand schedules range relying on price, they can be modeled assuming constant elasticity.[46] Using this system, the elasticities for quite a lot of goods—meant to act as examples of the principle described above—are as follows. For tips on why those goods and products and services may have the elasticity proven, see the above phase on determinants of price elasticity.

Cigarettes (US)[47]−0.3 to −0.6 (General) −0.6 to −0.7 (Youth) Alcoholic beverages (US)[48]−0.3 or −0.7 to −0.9 as of 1972 (Beer) −1.0 (Wine) −1.5 (Spirits) Airline shuttle (US)[49]−0.3 (First Class) −0.9 (Discount) −1.5 (for Pleasure Travelers) Livestock −0.5 to −0.6 (Broiler Chickens)[50] Oil (World) −0.4 Car gas[51]−0.09 (Short run) −0.31 (Long run) −0.085 to −0.13 (non-linear with price alternate in the short-run for Saudi Arabia in 2013[52]) Medicine (US) −0.31 (Medical insurance)[53] −0.03 to −0.06 (Pediatric Visits)[54] Patents −0.30 to −0.50[55] Rice[56]−0.47 (Austria) −0.80 (Bangladesh) −0.80 (China) −0.25 (Japan) −0.55 (US) Cinema visits (US) −0.87 (General)[53] Live Performing Arts (Theater, and so on.) −0.4 to −0.9[57] Transport −0.20 (Bus shuttle US)[53] −2.80 (Ford compact automotive)[58] −0.52 (Commuter parking)[59] Cannabis (US)[60]−0.655 Soft beverages −0.8 to −1.0 (basic)[61] −3.8 (Coca-Cola)[62] −4.4 (Mountain Dew)[62] Steel −0.2 to −0.3[63] Telecommunications −0.405 (Mobile)[64] −0.434 (Broadband)[65] Eggs −0.1 (US: Household simplest)[66] −0.35 (Canada)[67] −0.55 (South Africa)[68] Golf −0.3 to −0.7[63] University education 0[69]

See additionally

Arc elasticity Cross elasticity of demand Income elasticity of demand Price elasticity of provide Supply and demand


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External links

A Lesson on Elasticity in Four Parts, Youtube, Jodi Beggs Price Elasticity Models and Optimization Approx. PED of Various Products (U.S.) Approx. PED of Various Home-Consumed Foods (U.Ok.)

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